Friday, July 1, 2011

Steadicam Smoothee: The First Test

I love to take pictures and record videos on my iPhone 4.  And since iMovie for iPhone launched simultaneously with the iPhone 4 last year, I've been making videos and editing them on my iPhone and iPad.

The one thing I always run into when shooting videos is the ability to take smooth videos when walking.  Because the smartphone is so light it's hard to keep it steady when you're taking steps.

There have been some solutions over the years and even a do-it-yourself solution.  But this is the first one that I really like.  It's called the Steadicam Smoothee.  It's not cheap, though.  It retails for $199.99 but I got a pretty good deal on  Plus, I had some Rewards that really brought the price down for me.

The Steadicam Smoothee came in today and I tested it.

There is a bit of a learning curve to using the Smoothee and I admit I'm not the best at it yet.  But, I did make a video showing the difference between moving video with the Smoothee and without it.

To me, that's a dramatic difference.  The only real reason why the Steadicam was a little shaky was because the wind was strong at the time and I'm not yet experienced enough to compensate for it.

As I get better as a Steadicam operator, I'll keep posting my videos.  You can subscribe to my YouTube page with the username jarofclay73.

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