Thursday, October 14, 2010

Godfinger Is Retiring, Now An All-Star

Ngmoco - the maker of iPhone and iPad games like "We Rule," "We Farm," and "We City" - is revamping its "Godfinger" game. The developer is retiring the current Godfinger app and has already released Godfinger All-Stars for the iPhone [iTunes link] and the iPad [iTunes link].

This is a curious development indeed. Since I maxed out at level 50 months ago I haven't really played much lately. Perhaps the way the old game was made it didn't allow for much growth. The "We" series of games kept getting quick updates while the Godfinger game grew stagnant. Perhaps this will bring back some fun into the game.

Ngmoco says existing Godfinger players should be able to sign in with the new app and have everything automatically transferred. But, in iTunes some people have already said they lost stuff. That might be a good thing for me since I was maxed out and I'm not sure if the level cap was raised.

This morning, the Ngmoco servers are down for maintenance so I can't really try the game. But, once it is up, leave me a comment about how you like the new game.

UPDATE: It appears the level cap was raised. Can't wait to play on the iPad!

In the meantime, here's a trailer for Godfinger All-Stars to whet your appetite for the new content:

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