I'm a little wary of buying Need For Speed: Shift [iTunes link]. I feel like I got burned with Need For Speed: Undercover as it was less of a racing game and more of a Grand Theft Auto wannabe. Shift looks like the pure racing game. But, I'm happy right now with Asphalt 5 and Gameloft racing games are more to my liking. Also, a lot of people say there's a huge performance hit if you're not using a 3GS. Asphalt 5 is borderline. I tried to play with the free version of NBA Live and that was unplayable. Ah... to wait for the new iPhone. Shift is selling for $6.99.
Space Ace on the iPhone was tons of fun and a great port of a game that still looks impressive to this day. Now, there is the granddaddy laserdisc game of them all in the App Store - Dragon's Lair [iTunes link]. It has a decent price of $4.99. But, I have SO many games that I still need to play, so I can wait patiently for a price drop. Great nostalgic walk down memory lane, though.
But, the game that's been on my mind is Paperboy [iTunes link]. Loved the original arcade game. I would be happy if it was an exact port. The screenshots, however, look less than enticing. If this was a Gameloft game, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I'll wait for a price drop and review it later.